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In Reguliersdwarsstraat you'll find a great variety of buildings. Some of them are as old as the street itself and date back to the 17th century, others are good examples of modern-day architecture.

Most of the older buildings are rather small, but some newer ones are so huge, they dominate whole parts of the street.

> Photos of Buildings of Reguliersdwarsstraat


Coffeeshop Downtown

The oldest building in Reguliersdwarsstraat can be seen at number 31. It was built in 1642 and is a nice and well-preserved example of how 17th century dutch houses with a shop at the front looked like.

This building was completly renovated in 1969 and in 1970 two gay friends opened Coffeeshop Downtown in it - the first openly gay coffeebar in town, which survived for just over 50 years before it was closed in 2021:

Coffeeshop Downtown in 2007


Tuschinski Theater

The eastern part of Regulierdwarsstraat is dominated by the back side of the famous Tuschinski Theater. The front of this huge cinema is at the street behind: Reguliersbreestraat.

Tuschinski was one of the first and is still one of the most beautiful cinemas in the Netherlands. It was built in 1921, but before that, many old and very small back-street houses of the so called Devil's Corner (Duvelshoek) had to be pulled down.

Back side of the Tuschinski Theater


Carlton Hotel

The building with the biggest impact on Reguliersdwarsstraat is the Carlton Hotel alongside Vijzelstraat. This hotel is so huge that is has been partly build right above the entrance to Reguliersdwarsstraat, and thereby visually dividing the street in two parts.

The Carlton Hotel was build in 1926-1928 to house visitors to the 1928 Olympic Games, which were held in Amsterdam. Later this hotel was especially popular by American tourists visiting the city. At that time it was also one of the most luxurious hotels of Amsterdam.

Already during the construction the building was taken over by an English company which named it Carlton Hotel. In 1985 it was bought by an Italian hotel-chain and it was renamed Jolly Hotel Carlton. In 2009 the hotel was sold again, this time to the Spanish company NH Hoteles.

The Carlton Hotel above the entrance to Reguliersdwarsstraat
as seen from the eastern part of the street

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