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Fair Food Fair

December 9, 2017

Impressions of the Fair Food Fair, which was held in the Secret Village-part of Reguliersdwarsstraat on the afternoon of December 9, 2017:

01 - Entrance to the street
02 - Wine stand outside Garlic Queen
03 - Cold and wintery day
04 - Colombian food by Maria-to-go
05 - Stand outside Dynasty restaurant
06 - Heated seatings and more
07 - Blurry due to the cold
08 - Old timer van selling artisan fries
09 - The street seen towards Koningsplein
10 - Stand with traditional stroopwafels
11 - Stand selling fair-chain coffee
12 - Stands in Geelvincksteeg
13 - Stands in Geelvincksteeg
14 - Traditional and new Dutch cheese
15 - Stand with hot soups and dumplings
16 - Organic flower bulbs
17 - Handmade organic peanut butter
18 - More cheese
19 - And even more cheese
20 - Stands around the Geelvinck square
21 - Fair Fair poster
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