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Gay Pride 2017

August 4 & 5, 2017

Impressions of the street parties in the western and the eastern part of Reguliersdwarsstraat celebrating Gay Pride Amsterdam on Friday, August 4 and Saturday, August 5:

> News report in Dutch: Gay Pride-straatfeesten druk bezocht

01 - FRIDAY - Entering eastern part of the street
02 - Latin gay bar Reality
03 - Pre-party visitors
04 - Between Reality and Jantjes Verjaardag
05 - Walking towards Vijzelstraat
06 - Mixed bar Dwarsliggertje
07 - Crossing Vijzelstraat
08 - Emergency exit in Geelvincksteeg
09 - Entrance to the western part of the street
10 - Still rather quiet
11 - Decorations at The Big Apple
12 - Huge banner of resto-bar Snappers
13 - Entering the party area
14 - Gathering outside the various bars
15 - More party people
16 - Bars MotoMoto and Taboo
17 - Gay bar Taboo
18 - Rainbow balloon decorations
19 - Festive decorated street
20 - Historical buildings
21 - Gay bar Soho
22 - Eastern part of the street during the evening
23 - Caribbean street party
24 - Caribbean street party
25 - Party people
26 - Western part of the street at night
27 - Many people partying
28 - Gay club NYX
29 - Street closed to prevent overcrowding
30 - More gates to close of the party area
31 - SATURDAY - Crossing Vijzelstraat
32 - Heavy rain showers
33 - Caribbean street party
34 - Caribbean street party
35 - Looking towards the Carlton Hotel
36 - People waiting to access the party area
37 - Party outside resto-bar Snappers
38 - Lunchroom Downtown decorated for Pride
39 - The street full of party people
40 - Gay Pride street party
41 - People dressed up for Pride
42 - Gay street party
43 - Secret Village wishes a Happy Pride
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