Nieuws     Agenda     Foto's


Pictures: Pride Amsterdam 2021

August 6, 2021

Photos of the western and the eastern part of Reguliersdwarsstraat on Friday, August 6, 2021, when Pride Amsterdam was celebrated, although due to the corona restrictions without the usual street parties.

Click the photos to enlarge, or click an enlarged photo for the next one

01 - Entrance to the street with gates to close it off in case of overcrowding

02 - Huge rainbow banner at restaurant Verona

03 - Posters of leather men

04 - Lots of police present

05 - Large banner at gay bar BLEND

06 - Taboo bar closed for interior renovation

07 - Terrace of gay bar-club Soho

08 - Hot staff at gay bar-club Soho

09 - All sorts of people visiting the street

10 - People outside Club NYX and the Exit Cafe

11 - Terrace outside club NYX

12 - The new pop-up gay bar BLEND XL

13 - Performers outside pop-up gay bar BLEND XL

14 - Drag queens in the eastern part of the street

15 - Latin gay bar Reality at the eastern end of the street

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