Nieuws     Agenda     Foto's


Queen's Day 2013

April 30, 2013

Pictures of the Gay street party in the western part and the Hiphop and Dutch street parties in the eastern part of Reguliersdwarsstraat, held on Queen's Day after the new Dutch king was installed earlier that day:

01 - The new king and queen leaving the palace
02 - Entering Reguliersdwarsstraat
03 - People going to the street party
04 - Restaurant Saturnino
05 - Restaurant Il Primo
06 - The Other Club
07 - Restaurant Casa Maria
08 - New Tibetan restaurant Norling
09 - Good old lunchroom Downtown
10 - Orange space cakes
11 - Banner at coffeeshop Betty TOO
12 - Empanadas to go at El Encanto II
13 - Going towards the street party
14 - Restaurant Sichuan
15 - The House of Rising on its last day
16 - Street performers
17 - Royal artist
18 - Posing
19 - Orange hats
20 - Party people
21 - Outside bar at Taboo
22 - Gay cafe Soho
23 - Snackbars
24 - Gay club NYX
25 - Sunny afternoon
26 - People
27 - Dancers
28 - DJs in front of bar Dvars
29 - Decorations and people above bar Dvars
30 - DJ filming
31 - People dancing
32 - Looking towards the Carlton Hotel
33 - Party people in orange
34 - Street party
35 - Waiting at the Uri-Lift
36 - Underneath the Carlton Hotel
37 - Hells Kitchen street party
38 - Queens Bridge
39 - Spot the flags
40 - Party between Feijoa and De Duivel
41 - Dutch and Gay flag
42 - Girls asking police officers
43 - Eastern part of Reguliersdwarsstraat
44 - Party people in front of Reality Bar
45 - Stage outside Jantjes Verjaardag
46 - Looking towards Rembrandtplein
47 - Restaurant Bangkok
48 - Memories of India
49 - Gay bar t Dwarsliggertje
50 - Party people
51 - Party people
52 - Back at the gay street party
53 - party in front of bar Dvars
54 - Royal party scene
55 - Police officers passing by
56 - Police again
57 - Queens Day street party
58 - Reguliersdwarsstraat
59 - Posing in front of El Encanto hair salon
60 - Walking towards Koningsplein
61 - Fire engine drivng through the street
62 - Ending the day at club NYX and Exit Cafe
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