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Opening Secret Village

June 9, 2016

The street fair in the afternoon and the street party in the evening to celebrate the opening of Secret Village, as which the western part of Reguliersdwarsstraat and its three side alleys will be promoted.

> News report in Dutch: Secret Village geopend met een feest voor homo én hetero

01 - Koningsplein
02 - Entering the street
03 - CoffeeConcepts Sandwichbar
04 - Coffeeshop The Otherside
05 - Italian restaurants
06 - Black and White
07 - Secret Village personnel
08 - Large wisterias
09 - Tibetan restaurant Norling
10 - Chinese massage
11 - Entering the central part of the street
12 - Lunchroom Downtown
13 - Sint Jorisstraat
14 - New plants everywhere
15 - Mayda Kookt
16 - Very green side alley
17 - Very sunny
18 - Restaurant Sichuan
19 - Street fair
20 - Congo and other bars
21 - Artem Bodywear
22 - Secret Village in Reguliersdwarsstraat
23 - Lots of people
24 - Campo di Fiori
25 - Business people
26 - Huf bar and diner
27 - Gay cafe Soho
28 - Sunny weather
29 - Pizza Heart
30 - Exit Cafe
31 - DJ outside club NYX
32 - Outside La Cage
33 - Stand outside La Cage
34 - Oysters
35 - Street view
36 - Street view
37 - Terrace of Los Amigos
38 - Official partner Heineken
39 - Who Cares hair and beauty
40 - Studio Bazar
41 - Shirt Shop Amsterdam
42 - Vijzelstraat entrance
43 - Geelvincksteeg entrance
44 - Restaurant Dinamico
45 - Dinamico stand
46 - La Mancha
47 - Stoel 10 hair salon
48 - Dooie Mus
49 - Terraces
50 - Participants in Secret Village
51 - Large barbeque
52 - Lion Noir
53 - Street view
54 - Lots of green
55 - El Encanto hair salon
56 - Genki Garden
57 - Genki Garden
58 - Garlic Queen
59 - Norling
60 - Restobar Snappers
61 - More green
62 - Evening
63 - Street view
64 - La Cage
65 - The Cloakroom
66 - Lots of bikes
67 - Dancing on the street
68 - Street party outside NYX and Exit Cafe
69 - Street party
70 - Street party
71 - Street party
72 - Party in Secret Village
73 - Later that evening
74 - Still partying
75 - The End
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