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King's Day



One of the highlights in Reguliersdwarsstraat are the street parties to celebrate King's Day, which are held annually on April 26 and 27.

Please note: this year, King's Day will be celebrated on April 25 and 26!

Program 2025

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Elsewhere in the city

updated: 17-03-2025

Program King's Day 2025

Friday, April 25
& Saturday, April 26

In Regulierdwarsstraat, King's Day and King's Night are traditionally celebrated with street parties in the western part and the eastern part of the street:

King's Day street parties @ Reguliersdwarsstraat

On King's Day, several restaurants and fastfood places sell their food out on the street. Visitors, however, are not allowed to have more than one alcoholic beverage at a time in their possession.

Western part of the street

Outside the gay venues between Koningsplein and Vijzelstraat there's an open and freely accessible street party with outside bars and DJ performances:

King's Night
Friday, April 25
19.00 - 01.00 hrs
Line-up: TBA

King's Day
Saturday, April 26
12.00 - 20.00 hrs
Line-up: TBA

If you want to experience all performances as comfortably as possible, reserve a place at the Backstage Deck. Tickets via:

After the end of the celebration outside, the party continues inside the various venues! Check our calendar for details.

Gay street party on King's Day 2014

Eastern part of the street

Between Vijzelstraat and Rembrandtplein there will be the Oranje Straatfestijn, organized by Jantjes Verjaardag:

King's Night
Friday, April 25
19.00 - 01.00 hrs
Live performances

King's Day
Saturday, April 26
12.00 - 20.00 hrs
Live performances

After the end of the celebration outside, the party continues inside until late!

King's Day street party outside Jantjes Verjaardag in 2016
(click to enlarge)

The Dutch street party organized by Jantjes Verjaardag in the eastern part of Reguliersdwarsstraat attracts a mainly straight audience.

In the western part of the street, there's traditionally a large crowd of gay people, but this street party also attracts an increasing number of straight people.

King's Dag 2015 in the western part of Reguliersdwarsstraat
(Photo: Rodrigo Borges - Click to enlarge)


Here you can see some pictures of the King's and Queen's Day street parties in previous years:

Queen's Day street party in Reguliersdwarsstraat in 2011
(click to enlarge)


Our Instagram Highlights contain video impressions of the King's Day celebrations in 2023 and 2024.

Below is a video impression of the 2017 King's Day street party in the western part of Reguliersdwarsstraat:

King's Day 2017 in the western part of the street

Click here for an overview of YouTube videos showing how King's Day and Queen's Day were celebrated in earlier years!

Elsewhere in the city

Elsewhere in Amsterdam there are also street parties during King's Night and King's Day aimed at gay & queer visitors:

- At the Homomonument at Westermarkt

- Outside gaycafé Prik in Spuistraat

- Outside gaycafé The Queen's Head at Zeedijk

LGBTQ street parties elsewhere in Amsterdam
(click to enlarge)


- Tourist information:

- Gay parties: © 2007/2020