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Amsterdam Gay Pride

PRIDE Amsterdam


One of the biggest highlights in Reguliersdwarsstraat are the street parties to celebrate the annual Pride Amsterdam, which is the largest LGBT event in the Netherlands.

Canal Parade

Street Parties

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Gay Pride in Reguliersdwarsstraat in Amsterdam

updated: 17-07-2024

Program 2024

Friday, August 2
& Saturday, August 3

Canal Parade

On Saturday there's the famous carnivalesque Canal Parade. The 80 boats depart at 12.00 hrs from Oosterdok, and via Nieuwe Herengracht, Amstel and Prinsengracht they will sail to Westerdok, where the first boats will arrive around 16.00 hrs:

(click to enlarge)

> In Dutch: Former boats from Reguliers venues

Street Parties

In Reguliersdwarsstraat, Pride is traditionally celebrated with two street parties: the trendy Reguliers Street Party and a new Dutch Street Party, both on Friday and Saturday:

Pride Street Parties @ Regulierdwarsstraat
(click to enlarge)

Reguliers Street Party

Outside the famous gay venues in the western part of the street there's a big street party with outdoor beer taps and DJ performances with a Skydeck in the Munthof building!

Friday, August 2:
16.00 - 24.00 hrs
Line-up: Rob Boskamp - Hoax LeBeau - Juliana Xtra - Just Jane - Valentijn - Diva Mayday

Saturday, August 3:
15.00 - 24.00 hrs
Line-up: Jennifer Cooke - Lady Bee - D'Jaye - Steven Timothy - Sjeazy Pearl - Mr. Pronx - AliceD

The streetparty is freely accessible for everyone, only when it becomes too crowded, the street will be closed off and new people will only allowed in when others leave. The main entrance is at Vijzelstraat (see the map).

If you want to experience all performances as comfortably as possible, reserve a place at the Skydeck, where you will be welcomed with a free drink. Entrance to the Skydeck is via the lobby of the NH Hotel Flowermarket at Vijzelstraat 4. Skydeck tickets via:

After the end of the celebration outside, the party continues inside the various venues! Check our calendar for details.

Rainbow Street Party 2022
The Rainbow Street Party in the western part of the street (2022)

Dutch Street Party

In the eastern part of Reguliersdwarsstraat, there's no Caribbean street party anymore after the closure of the Reality Bar. Instead, there's a street party to celebrate the (re)opening of gay café Montmartre:

Friday, August 2:
16.00 - 24.00 hrs
Line-up: Danny Nicolay - Antonio - Davy Miller - Emile Baars - DJ Ron - The Rainbow Club with Barry Paf and Menno de Boer

Saturday, August 3:
15.00 - 24.00 hrs
Line-up: Ashley Knight - Kelly Hensen - Saskia Soulfull - DJ Nora - DJ Ron - Ritchie Lahnstein and as special appearance: Diva Mayday

After the end of the celebration outside, the party continues inside until late!

Caribbean Street Party 2022
The Caribbean street party in the eastern part of the street (2022)


Some photos of the Pride celebration in 2023 can be found on Facebook and Flickr.

Photos of the Pride celebration in 2022 are on Facebook and Flickr.

Impressions of Reguliersdwarsstraat boats and street parties in earlier years:

Gay Pride street party in Reguliersdwarsstraat (2012)


In our Instagram Highlights you will find video impressions of the Pride celebrations in 2022 and 2023.

Impressions of the 2023 Pride street parties can also be watched on YouTube:

Pride street party in the western part of Reguliersdwarsstraat (2023)

Caribbean street party in the eastern part of Reguliersdwarsstraat (2023)

Click here for an overview of YouTube videos showing how Gay Pride was celebrated in earlier years.

Elsewhere in the city

Queer Amsterdam
July 3 - August 4, 2024

The new collective Queer Amsterdam provides a small-scale and varied Pride program by and for the various queer communities.

- More information:

Open air parties
August 2 & 3, 2024

To spread out the large number of visitors, there are also street parties at the locations below (subject to change). They are on Friday from 16.00 to 24.00 hrs and on Saturday from 15.00 to 24.00 hrs. as well:

- Amstelveld: Amstelveld Pride (CANCELLED)
- Beursplein: Crash Amsterdam (fetish)
- Dam: MainStage (general)
- Elandsstraat: outside café Saarein (lesbian, only on Saturday)
- Marnixstraat: outside café Waterkant (techno/tropical)
- Spuistraat: outside café Prik (mainly gay)
- Stoperaplein: Who run the world Festival (mainly lesbian)
- Zeedijk: outside café The Queen's Head (mainly gay)

This year, there will be no open air parties at Rembrandtplein and at the Homomonument.

Closing Party
August 4, 2024

The Amsterdam Gay Pride ends with a big and free closing party on Dam square, on Sunday from 14.00 to 23.00 hrs.

Street party on Saturday night, August 4, 2007


Queer & Pride Amsterdam:
- Homepage:

Queer Amsterdam:
- Homepage:
- Social media: Instagram

Pride Amsterdam:
- Homepage:
- Permits for boats alongside the route:
- Social media: Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - TikTok

Gay events: + Facebook

Wikipedia: Amsterdam Gay Pride © 2007/2020