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Logo of Club NYX

Club NYX


Reguliersdwarsstraat nr. 42
1017 BM Amsterdam
(since October 4, 2012)

NYX is an openminded queer club where everybody is welcome, whether you are gay, straight, male, female or somewhere in between, but in general the crowd is young and trendy.

On Thursdays, Club NYX aims at students, on Fridays there are parties for openminded people and on Saturdays there's the queer night 3x NYX.

Besides the dancing area, there are two floors each with their own bar. On the top floor, there's a large lounge area and a very colorful bathroom area. In each of these spaces DJs spin different music styles.

NYX is named after the Greek godess of the night and is the successor of gay disco Exit, which was located here from 1988 until 2010.

- Opening hours:
Fri.+ Sat.
  23.00 - 04.00   (8,- euro)
23.00 - 05.00   (12,50 euro)

- Homepage:

- Social media: Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - TikTok

- Lost & Found: iLost

- More: Memorabilia

- Accessibility: entrance by stairs, toilet on top floor, debetcard and credit cards accepted

- Weekly program:

• NyX op Donderdag: Facebook - Instagram - TikTok

• Vrijdag is NYX: Facebook - Instagram

• 3x NYX Queer Night: Facebook - Instagram

- Pictures:
04-10-2012: Grand Opening Club NYX

- A short history of Club Exit (1988-2010) © 2007/2020