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Logo of the Exit Cafe

Exit Cafe


Reguliersdwarsstraat nr. 42
1017 BM Amsterdam
(since 1992)

Exit Cafe is a gay bar in après ski style and is often crowded, as this is the only bar in the street which is open late into the night.

Although there's a sing-a-long atmosphere, the music is mostly House and international pop music, instead of the typical après ski songs.

If its not too crowded you can dance a little bit, as there are almost no seatings, but there's colorful terrace all the year round.

The Exit Cafe is part of Club NYX, previously Club Exit.

- Opening hours:
Sun.- Tue.
Wed.+ Thu.
Fri.+ Sat.
  22.00 - 04.00
21.00 - 04.00
21.00 - 05.00

- Homepage:

- Social media: Facebook - Instagram - TikTok

- Lost & Found: iLost

- More: Memorabilia

- Accessibility: level access, toilet on ground floor, no smoking area


The Exit Cafe is located in the right corner of an historical building, which is a former coach house dating back to 1766. When the gay disco Exit opened in this building in 1988, a first Exit Cafe was created in the left corner.

Later on the cafe was moved to the right corner and renamed The Duke. This was no succes, so within a year it got back its old name and the present-day apres-ski styled interior was built.

Due to a conflict between the owner, bar-tycoon Sjoerd Kooistra, and the Heineken company, Exit Cafe was closed for the time being on April 6th, 2010. The bar was re-opened during Gay Pride 2011, keeping its old name and interior style.

- The illustrated history of Exit Cafe in Dutch © 2007/2020